Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


Mount Merapi which located in the border of Yogyakarta and Central Java is one of the most active volcano in the world.

On September 20, 2010, the status of Merapi was raised from Normal to the Waspada. And on October 21, 2010 increased to Siaga status. October 25 rose to Awas because of the high activity of Mount Merapi. Residents who live on the slopes of Merapi were evacuated to refugee camps.

The first eruption occurred on October 26, 2010 at around 18:00. Hot clouds that come out on this eruption reached Kinahrejo, the village where the “Juru Kunci” of Merapi, Mbah Maridjan live. He and other villagers who refused to evacuate became the victims of the hot cloud.

Thursday evening, November 4, 2010 Merapi activity was very high and pulled out a very loud roar. Refugees in Pakem and surrounding areas moved to Maguwoharjo stadium and other venues, a distance of more than 20 kilometers from the peak of Merapi.

Friday morning, November 5, 2010 Merapi volcano erupted again and that is the largest eruption. Glide hot clouds reached 15 kilometers and hit villages Bronggon, Argomulyo, Sleman District, which is located about 16 to 18 kilometers from the peak of Merapi. Hot clouds glide was the longest since 1872. This eruption killed 88 people.

The eruption of Merapi in 2010 took hundreds of deaths and injuries, resulted hundreds of families lost their homes and livestock. The rain of ash from this eruption also caused agricultural crops dead, and transportation became chaotic.

Letusan Merapi Pukul 06.00 WIB - 4 November 2010

Rabu, 29 September 2010


Landslide is a phenomenon which happen because a movement of stones or ground from the high slope down to the lowland plain.

The main factor of landslide is the gravitation energy, but there are another factors, among other things, an erotion because of the rivers or sea waves, it can creates steep slope. A high rain pour, an earthquake which bring a movement and makes the weak slope slide, heavy load on the surface,and less of vegetation.

The consequence of landslide are much and harm. The houses and buildings under the slope can be covered by the ground and shatter, the environment can be damaged, the humans can get injury or die, and the victims can loss their houses, wealth and jobs.

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